Natalia Kiskova – Bluewolf – Czech Republic

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Natalia is a Growth Manager at Bluewolf, board member of Aj Ty v IT social organisation and the daughter of the President of Slovakia. Bluewolf is a global consulting agency that builds digital solutions designed to create results. Its main focus is on design, build, and innovation for customer and employee experiences on the Salesforce platform.

Prior to her current role, where Natalia is heading up the office for Bluewolf in Prague, Czech Republic to cover CEE region, her roles have switched at Bluewolf. In the past 5 years while she moved from NYC to London to Prague office covering roles from Consultant to Project Manager. She is very passionate about expanding the knowledge of IT and it’s potential in her home region.

Being the daughter of the first independent President of the Slovak Republic that has had over 80% of popularity vote and strong entrepreneurial background, has shown her that even a small country with socialistic background has potential to be innovative, bring new ideas and create space for talent. Her aim is to motivate and support more individuals from the region to join the startup community and promote the talent and innovation.

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